Every year in November, each unit from DandelionS holds a report meeting on the annual activities.
We set evaluation items for each unit, and each unit member and representative scores the results.
The goals for each unit are as follows:
0th Unit
・Web trends investigation
・Corporate site, recruitment site operation
・About internally developed apps (jointly with the 3rd unit)
1st Unit
・Luckybox Blog
・Hello World Web version
・Sweets authentication app
・Attendance input API (jointly with 2nd unit)
2nd Unit
・Building an internal attendance management system using OutSystems
・Building a simple attendance registration function using a smartphone app
3rd Unit
・Internal server construction
・Security support
This is a great opportunity to showcase this year’s activities to all members.
Please make sure to prepare well your presentation within each unit!
The details of the report will be provided later.
Please look forward to it!