







食べ物と旅行が大好きな社員です! 新しい食べ物を試すことと、新しい場所を訪れることが私の人生を豊かにしてきました。 日本各地を旅しては、その土地の文化や伝統料理を体験することが私の趣味です。 また、旅先で食べた美味しい料理を再現するのも楽しみの一つです。 食べ物と旅行の魅力を共有しながら、先輩方と一緒に仕事を楽しんでいきたいです!



Employee Introduction

Thank you for viewing.

Nice to meet you. My name is Dat and I joined Dandelions in April this year. I’m from Vietnam. I look forward to working with you.

Reason for joining the company

When I looked at the Dandelions website, I felt that it was an environment where I could work in harmony with everyone. Also, I am interested in IT technology and always want to learn new things, so I studied information systems at school and wanted to use that knowledge to contribute to society. Furthermore, Dandelions has many employees with foreign nationality, so I felt I could work in a global environment and decided to join the company.

My impression after joining the company

Of the things I learned in class as a student, the things that are useful to me now are Excel operations and programming. I joined the company as a beginner in almost everything. When I joined Dandelions, I felt anxious at first and always felt nervous because I had to get used to it quickly, but thanks to everyone’s careful guidance and casual conversations, I have gotten used to the atmosphere of the workplace. I look forward to continuing to work with you all and growing together.


I am an employee who loves food and traveling! Trying new foods and visiting new places have enriched my life. My hobby is traveling around Japan and experiencing the culture and traditional cuisine of each place. I also enjoy recreating the delicious food I have eaten while traveling. I would like to enjoy working with my seniors while sharing the charm of food and traveling!

Furthermore, one of the places I have visited that has left a particularly strong impression on me is Kiyomizu-dera Temple in Kyoto. Around Kiyomizu-dera Temple, you can enjoy delicious foods such as matcha ice cream and Japanese sweets. Even at work, I try to create different cultures and new ideas. I would like to create a fun working environment together with my team. Thank you for your support!

Look forward to the next blog update! ! !









食べ物と旅行が大好きな社員です! 新しい食べ物を試すことと、新しい場所を訪れることが私の人生を豊かにしてきました。 日本各地を旅しては、その土地の文化や伝統料理を体験することが私の趣味です。 また、旅先で食べた美味しい料理を再現するのも楽しみの一つです。 食べ物と旅行の魅力を共有しながら、先輩方と一緒に仕事を楽しんでいきたいです!
























Employee Introduction


Hi, my name is Joseph from Dandelions. I’m a 27-year-old American who has been living in Japan for three years. I’m from Arizona in the United States. What is Arizona like? It’s a very hot area with large cacti. It’s known as one of the hottest areas in the United States, with temperatures exceeding 45 degrees in the summer and 35 degrees at night being the norm. As a result, it doesn’t feel “hot” unless it exceeds 40 degrees, and the summer in Japan is relatively comfortable. I have a variety of hobbies, but recently I’ve become obsessed with game development using a programming language called PYTHON.

Reason for joining the company

Before joining Dandelions, I worked as an English teacher and manager in Maizuru, Kyoto. In that position, I gained a lot of experience, not only teaching English, but also teaching new employees and junior employees in both English and Japanese, and managing operations. Through my work as a manager, I was also involved in schedule management, planning, and human resources, and I began to feel that this job was suitable for me in the future.

One day, a friend who works at Dandelions told me that the company was recruiting new members. After the interview, it became clear that working at Dandelions would allow me to utilize my experience and areas of expertise from my previous job. I was also attracted by the opportunity to try a technical job, so I decided to start a new career and a new life.

Impressions after joining the company

Since joining the company, I have had many wonderful experiences and acquired new skills. There are many skills I have acquired, but I would like to introduce three that are particularly important.

First, Japanese business manners and behavior. Before joining the company, I was unfamiliar with Japanese business culture and was anxious, but thanks to the careful guidance of my wonderful seniors, I learned how to exchange business cards, respond on the phone, and use honorific language correctly, and I was able to gain confidence.

Secondly, technical skills. After joining the company, I greatly improved my IT-related skills. For example, I learned web development technology and was able to be involved in building the company’s website. I also learned the application of programming and the basics of IT, and acquired skills that can be used in the industry.

In addition, my teaching skills have also improved. I work as a lecturer in the Learning Enterprise division. Before starting classes, I received a lot of training, and by actually participating in practice classes and lecturer training within the company, I was able to improve my abilities as a lecturer.

Not only did I acquire skills, but I also had many great experiences. I feel rewarded by being able to work in a great workplace every day and working with great colleagues. In addition to work, there are also many fun activities such as drinking parties and karaoke with all the employees, which are precious memories.

I feel really glad that I joined this company. I will continue to put in even more effort.
















Employee Introduction

My name is 237 and I joined the company in December 2023 as a mid-career hire.
This time, I would like to introduce a little about myself, what led me to join the company, and my impressions afterwards!

Reason for joining the company

After graduating from school, I worked as a sales clerk for a company that manufactures precision parts for automobile parts and home appliances.
During that time, I want to go out more and talk to more people! This feeling became stronger, and I decided to change jobs to sales because I wanted to try my hand at IT, which I had always been interested in.
I chose Dandelions because I was attracted to its personnel evaluation system and the ability to communicate with employees a lot.
After that, I applied to Dandelions and am currently working as a sales representative in the business management department.

Impressions after joining the company

Since joining the company, I have had many new discoveries and experiences.
I started traveling around the office in sales and had meetings with salespeople from various companies to discuss work and meet salespeople I had in common with, so it was a bit of a test of energy, but it was very rewarding. I am enjoying my work.
In addition, the company environment is very interesting, and one of the characteristics of Dandelions is that about 40% of the employees are foreign nationals, and I enjoy every day being able to learn about the cultures and ways of thinking of different countries.

About my hobbies

I am working hard to “Oshikatsu” in my daily life.
Through Oshikatsu, I go to Tokyo and Osaka for live performances and performances, and go to cafes with friends I’ve made through Oshikatsu.
In Tokyo, you can find Korean gourmet food in Shin-Okubo, stylish cafes in Omotesando, and in Osaka, try takoyaki and kushikatsu in Dotonbori! ! I eat a lot of different things, so when I got home and stepped on the scale, I cried when I realized that I had gained weight.

I increase my motivation for work through pushing activities.

Why not try Oshikatsu to relieve stress or spend some meaningful time at a cafe?

Please enjoy the next employee introduction♬





















Internship experience story from February 2024 ①

*We had an internship at our company in February and 4 Japanese students and 2 international students participated. In this article we will present the experiences of the participants.

American student (male)

My name is Joseph and I am an intern for February 2024. I would like to share my thoughts on my experience participating in a five-day internship at Dandelions. I would like to present in detail what I was able to achieve during this internship, the challenges I overcame, what I learned and what I can apply in the future.

First of all, I would like to present to you what I experienced during this internship. First, we created line buffers in four languages using AI. We also purchased products for a project called LUCKYBOX. After that, I had the opportunity to test the system and learn about professional etiquette and the correct way to exchange business cards. Finally, I also had the opportunity to gain experience in web design.

Next, I would like to introduce the challenges we overcame. I faced some challenges during this internship. For example, when choosing products for LUCKYBOX, we had to pay special attention to expiration dates and types of food because we were dealing with food products. After carefully considering each precaution, we were able to purchase a variety of sweets with no expiration dates. Also, I had some trouble operating the system when I was testing it for the first time, but following the guidance of my seniors, I was eventually able to test the system on three different browsers.

Then, I will share with you what I learned. What impresses me the most is how many different types of work are done in the same company. For example, I found it surprising and very interesting that system testing, line stamp creation, overseas sales, website design, etc. are all done by the same company. Another important lesson was the importance of business etiquette. As an American, I found Japanese business etiquette to be very unique and interesting, and it made me think about how it differs from business etiquette in America.

Chinese student (male)

I recently participated in an internship with Dandelions Co., Ltd. In this internship, I wanted to work hard with everyone to experience IT-related content and the atmosphere of the workplace, but I met people from other countries and it was a fun experience. .
On the first day, we first listened to an explanation of the content of AI generation. After that, you will experience generating phrases and images using AI. After exchanging opinions with everyone, we were able to decide on a stamp that was appropriate for the phrase. In the afternoon, I created a self-introduction using a mind map. I learned to think from keywords to concrete examples.

On the second day, we sampled the sweets we bought on the first day and made a block of impressions. I was worried about how to convey the characteristics of the sweets to people overseas. I participated in a test experience in the afternoon. I checked the data in different browsers and saved the original website photo as evidence. Although it was time consuming, I realized the importance of testing in order to ensure that the system operates according to specifications.

On the third day, we practiced exchanging business cards in 1-on-1 and 1-on-2 patterns. In the afternoon, I experienced web site design. We collected information while imagining the person on the persona sheet provided. We carefully selected the content to convey the appeal of the Tokai region to overseas visitors who are unfamiliar with it. In the end, a majority vote decided on the format of some of the designs. During this time, I realized the importance of communication.

Although it was a short time, I think it was a really good experience to be able to participate in the internship. Thank you for allowing me to learn about IT-related content and Japanese companies.

Japanese (female)

I participated in an internship in February 2024.

On the first day, we created LINE stamps, on the second day we experienced product testing, on the third day we exchanged business cards and created a website, on the fourth day we prepared a presentation, and on the fifth day we actually appeared in front of the employees. I gave a presentation.

When creating LINE stamps, I experienced using AI and was overwhelmed by the speed at which images and text were generated, but I was even more happy when the stamps were actually published on LINE.

During the business card exchange, on the first day, participants created a self-introduction using a mind map and created a business card with their self-introduction. I was reminded that by exchanging business cards and using the company’s name, I was working on behalf of the company.

When creating LINE stamps, I experienced using AI and was overwhelmed by the speed at which images and text were generated, but I was even more happy when the stamps were actually published on LINE.

During the business card exchange, on the first day, participants created a self-introduction using a mind map and created a business card with their self-introduction. I was reminded that by exchanging business cards and using the company’s name, I was working on behalf of the company.

Employee introduction

I’m Omatsu, a member of the Business Management Department.
I would like to talk about why I joined Dandelions and my impressions after joining.

Career bakcground

I joined the company in November last year as a mid-career hire.
Previously, I worked for seven years as a sales clerk at a trading company that handled auto parts.

Reason for joining the company

I was planning to continue working at my previous job, but due to the effects of the coronavirus, my work style changed, and I became interested in the IT industry, which led me to change jobs.
There were many IT companies out there, but I applied to Dandelions because I was attracted to their evaluation system, which is posted on their website, and the atmosphere of the company. During the interview, I learned about the atmosphere of the company and felt more motivated to work there, which made my intention to join the company even stronger.

Impressions after joining the company

After actually joining the company, I feel that the work content and working style are new.
Thanks to the rough dialogue and communication, I am able to work in a safe and comfortable environment.
During work, I have quiet time, which makes it easier to concentrate and work. There are many new discoveries to be made in a global environment, and it’s really fun when it comes to communicating. I can learn about different ways of thinking and cultures through casual conversations, and I can also naturally remember the meanings of English words, so I feel that it’s not just a work environment, but a learning environment.

This is a photo of the brightly colored Jinmeji Kannon on a sunny day.


I am from Ama City, Aichi Prefecture.
The city was created 14 years ago by the merger of Jinmeji Town, Shippo Town, and Miwa Town. It’s not too rural, but it’s a place that is characterized by the fact that there isn’t anything that stands out. Sometimes it feels inconvenient, but I like that little bit of inconvenience! If I had to introduce it to you, it would be Jinmeji Kannon. During the New Year’s visit and Setsubun seasons, the area is crowded with people from the nearest station, Jinmeji Station. When I was in elementary school, I was able to leave school before the crowds on Setsubun Day, so I looked forward to going out with my friends.

It takes about 20 to 30 minutes from Nagoya Station, so if you have time, be sure to visit.
If there are no events going on, you can take your time and look around.
Personally, I would like you to visit during the lively times of New Year’s visit and Setsubun.

Last words

It’s been about half a year since I joined the company, but there are still many things I’m not used to and my days are exhausting. However, I am able to feel that it is more rewarding. There are many opportunities to interact with members who work at customer sites, and we have created an environment where you can quickly become familiar. Therefore, when I actually joined the company, I realized that it is a company that is very employee-friendly!

That’s all for now.
Look forward to the next employee introduction!