Employee Introduction

Thank you for reading!
I’m “Yamaguchi,” and this is my third time writing an employee introduction post.

Since it’s been a while since my last “Employee Introduction” blog, I was wondering what to write about, but this time. I’ve decided to write about something I love: “alcohol.”

I’ve always liked umeshu (plum wine).
My parents, siblings, and even relatives love umeshu, so maybe it’s a family thing! (lol)
One of my fond memories of umeshu is visiting the CHOYA bar in Tokyo, where I got to try different types of umeshu.
I ordered a tasting set and enjoyed comparing the different flavors (even though they were all umeshu), each one tasted so unique, which was really fun.
Unfortunately, the bar is only in Tokyo, but I highly recommend it!

Umeshu tasting set ⁂

One of the best discoveries I’ve made in the past few years is a parfait bar.
There’s one in Nagoya that serves both parfaits and accompanying alcohol that pairs perfectly with them.
At first, I thought, “Parfaits and alcohol?” but they actually pair really well together.
Enjoying a tasty parfait and drink in a stylish space really takes the edge off.

parfait alcohol set at a parfait bar ⁂

Recently, I’ve also started drinking wine more often.
I enjoy sparkling wine, and I like white wine as well.
I love drinking it with cheese or liver pâté.
My family recently bought a wine that was so easy to drink, I ended up drinking a lot and got pretty tipsy! (lol)

Wine that was easy to drink ⁂

I often go out for drinks with the members of Dande as well.
Recently, we held a “Wine Party” and a “Sake Party.”

At the wine party, since there were a lot of people, we got to try a variety of wines.
We drank sparkling, then red, then white, then red, then white… It was a lot of fun!
Everyone shared their thoughts as we drank, and we enjoyed feeling like grown-ups while having a great time.

wine party

I was surprised by how many people showed up for the sake party.
It was memorable that even members who usually don’t drink said, “If it’s sake, I want to join.”
There were many different types of sake, but honestly, I got so drunk that I don’t remember much! (lol)

Japanese Sake

The next gathering might be a “Beer” or “Umeshu” party!

Stay tuned for the next blog post as well!

















Higashiyama Zoo Sponsorship – 2024

Thank you for reading this blog.

I am “Omatsu”, a member of the Operations Management Department, in charge of this blog post. I am pleased to introduce you to our newest sponsor.

A new hope, Regulus, arrives at Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Garden!

Hello, and welcome to the Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Garden!

With the arrival of spring, we have a new addition to the Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Garden. His name is Regulus, and he is only one year old. His name, Regulus, is taken from the name of a star meaning “champion,”. We are very excited to see what new light his presence will bring to the Zoo.

We here at Dandelions are proud to be a sponsor of this young lion. Our decision to sponsor this young Lion is more than just a sponsorship. We are deeply committed to conservation and activities that support a sustainable global environment. We promote these values through our support of Mr. Regulus.

Regulus’ joining our sponsors is a contribution to the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) of which we are supporters. Especially SDG Goal 15: “Let’s also protect the richness of our land”, which aims to conserve biodiversity. Working to protect endangered species through his conservation and support of their growth is also part of our social responsibility.

This new animal sponsorship is also an opportunity for us to reach out to more people about the importance of conservation through the story of Regulus. We hope you will watch how Regulus will grow and what impact he will have.

Regulus’ upcoming journey is the beginning of a new chapter for us at Dandelions. Together with him, we will continue our journey toward a sustainable future. Together, we will strive to ensure that all life on earth can coexist.

I saw Regulus in person!

Perhaps because it was late in the evening when we went to see him, Regulus was taking a nap. However, we were able to see him in a very cute pose. Although it was hard to believe he was a lion since he was so relaxed with his tummy showing. We also saw many other animals, but all of them seemed to be tired of the hot August temperatures, and many of them did not move at all.












August 2024 Internship Experience①

In August, we held an internship at our company, with three Japanese students and five international students. In Experience ①, we’ll introduce the international students!

Korean International Student (Female)

Hello. I participated in the August internship for 5 days. I wanted to learn about IT, so I thought this internship would be a great opportunity to experience various aspects of the industry. I’d like to share what I did during the internship and my thoughts/impressions.

On the first day, we created LINE stickers using the AI tool ChatGPT. We also learned how to structure self-introductions using mind maps. Finally, we went shopping for snacks for “LUCKY BOX,” one of Dandelions’ business ventures.

On the second day, we had a tasting session for the snacks we bought the day before and wrote our impressions. We also learned about system testing and experienced it firsthand.

On the third day, we practiced exchanging business cards in various situations. In the afternoon, we gathered information for website creation, learned how to use WordPress, and began working on our sites.

Although it was challenging, as everything was unfamiliar to me, I found it very enjoyable to experience what’s actually done in the IT industry, and I feel I’ve taken a step forward. I’m really glad I participated in this internship.

Vietnamese International Student (Male)

I participated in Dandelions August internship with the goal of “experiencing the atmosphere of a Japanese workplace,” and it turned out to be a great experience.

On the first day of the internship, we listened to introductions about the company and the interns. Afterwards, we created LINE stickers. We wrote self-introduction texts for business cards and went shopping together for snacks to send overseas to end the first day. The internship proceeded in a more relaxed atmosphere than I had imagined.

The next day, we tasted the snacks we bought and introduced ourselves using our new business cards. In the afternoon, we experienced system testing, which helped us understand the importance of maintenance work after programming. We also began preparing materials for the presentation on the fifth day.

On the third day, we learned about business card exchange etiquette and practiced it in various scenarios. We received instructions on using WordPress and experienced applying it to web design. The day ended with continued work on our final presentation materials. Due to the abundance of group work, I gained a new understanding of the importance of communication skills.

This was my first internship in Japan, and while I felt a bit nervous, I now believe choosing Dandelions was the right decision.

Korean International Student (Female)

I participated in the August 2024 internship. My goal for this internship was to ‘experience a Japanese company,’ and I enthusiastically participated. During the internship, we created LINE stickers, worked on the Lucky Box project, made PowerPoint presentations, experienced system testing and web design, and practiced exchanging business cards.

Day 1: 

We created LINE stickers in five languages using phrases from ChatGPT. When purchasing snacks for the Lucky Box, we had to consider various conditions while selecting them, which made me feel like a rational consumer and company employee, which was a good feeling.

Day 2:

When conducting system tests, we used three different browsers. At first, I was worried about missing something, but gradually I felt like I was getting better at it. Also, it was interesting to work with team members to create visually appealing PowerPoint presentations for PR purposes.

Day 3:

I was interested in Japanese business card culture, so I was glad to not only learn about it in detail, but master it as well. During the website design experience, it was interesting working together with team members and exchanging ideas as we created our websites.

Through this internship, I was able to grow a lot. Thank you for providing this great opportunity.

Canadian (Male)

In this internship, I was able to use my skills, cooperate with other interns, learn various things, and gain valuable experience.

On the first day, we created LINE stickers. We quickly generated phrases using AI, then collaborated with other interns to refine them into natural language, resulting in stickers that everyone could enjoy using.

But for me, the most interesting task was the testing experience. Testing is done to ensure program quality. While I have experience developing web apps, I learned how development proceeds in a workplace environment. As I’m aiming for a career in development, this was a very educational experience.

On the third day, we began web design work. We were creating a website to introduce traditional crafts from the Tokai region to people overseas. As I’ve always been interested in Japan, I recalled my past self who had never been to Japan, and thought about how to introduce these crafts to that version of myself while creating the site content.

Through this internship, I was able to engage in a wide range of tasks, which was very educational. As I’m aiming to become a web development engineer in the future, I’ve gained valuable experience. I’ll definitely remember this as an engineer and apply it to my future career.

Irish (Male)

On the first day, after self-introductions, we experienced some simple tasks. We used ChatGPT to generate phrases suitable for LINE stickers. Then, through group discussions, we refined them into more natural expressions. Since most team members knew multiple foreign languages, we translated the phrases and added furigana as a team. This experience gave me confidence in my ability to work in a Japanese workplace.

On the second day, we tasted snacks intended for sale overseas, shared our opinions, and wrote them down. It was good practice for using Japanese effectively.

Afterwards, we experienced software testing. Listening to the Japanese explanation using technical terms and realizing I could understand it made me very happy.

On the third day, we learned how to exchange business cards and practiced with company employees. It was challenging because the method differs depending on the number of people involved. After that, we learned the basics of web design and created a simple website using WordPress in groups.

In conclusion, I was able to build confidence in my ability to work in Japanese beyond teaching. Since Dandelions Co., Ltd. has many international employees, I now believe I can find good work in Japan too.





1日目には、AIツールのChatGPTを使ってLINEスタンプ作成を行いました。また、マインドマップを使い、自己PRの組み立て方を学びました。最後に、ダンデライオンズの事業の一つである「LUCKY BOX」のお菓子の買い出しにもいきました。











2024年の8月インターンシップに参加しました。 今回のインターンシップで私は‵日本の会社を経験してみたい′という目的で一生懸命参加しました。 インターンシップでLINEスタンプとラッキーボックス、PPTを作り、テスト体験とウェブサイトデザイン体験、名刺交換を行いました。

CHAT GPTからもらったフレーズで、5つの言語でラインスタンプを作りました。 ラッキーボックスに入れるお菓子を購入する時はいろいろな条件を考慮しながらお菓子を選ばなければならなかったので合理的な消費者であり会社員になったようで気持ちが良かったです。

システムテストをするとき3つの違うブラウザでテストをしましたが、 この時、見逃したことがあるのではないかと心配になりましたが、だんだん慣れてきてうまくできている気がしました。また、 チームメンバーと一緒にPRのための見やすいPPTを作ることが面白かったです。


今回のインターンシップを通じてたくさん成長することができました。 良い機会をくださってありがとうございます。













Technology Blog: Leveraging AI in System Development (System Testing)

As a tech blog, we’d like to introduce the learning content we’ve been working on daily. We are unit 1, focusing on AI and Big Data. In our previous article, we discussed the possibilities of content creation, education and learning, and business solutions using the chatbot “ChatGPT-4o”. 

This time, we’ll focus on how we can streamline our main business of system development by incorporating AI into system testing to ensure quality.

1. Selenium 4


Selenium is a widely used open-source test automation tool, particularly suitable for cross-browser testing. The latest version, Selenium 4, has improved APIs for manipulating UI elements, allowing for more intuitive test script creation. When combined with AI plugins, it also enhances the detection of dynamic UI elements.

  • Usage rate: High
  • Price: Free (open-source)
  • Difficulty level: Intermediate
  • Official website: Selenium Official Website

2. Cypress


Cypress is a JavaScript-based test automation tool for web applications, particularly popular among frontend developers. It allows for real-time verification of test results and has a simple setup, making it easy for beginners to get started. It’s ideal for end-to-end testing and makes it easy to test complex user flows.

  • Usage rate: High
  • Price: Free plan available, premium plans (paid)
  • Difficulty level: Beginner to intermediate
  • Official website: Cypress Official Website

3. Katalon Studio


 Katalon Studio is a tool that allows for test automation without writing code, supporting a wide range of test scenarios including web applications, mobile apps, and APIs. With its GUI-based operation, even those unfamiliar with programming can intuitively create tests. It provides enterprise-level features while offering a free plan, making it widely used by beginners to advanced users.

  • Usage rate: High
  • Price: Free plan available, enterprise plan (paid)
  • Difficulty level: Beginner to intermediate
  • Official website: Katalon Studio Official Website

4. Applitools


Applitools is a tool specialized in visual testing, where AI automatically detects changes in design and UI. It’s particularly strong in visual regression testing and is ideal for testing UI and UX consistency. Its ability to detect subtle differences in design helps in quality assurance for frontend and design.

  • Usage rate: High
  • Price: Paid (free trial available)
  • Difficulty level: Beginner-friendly
  • Official website: Applitools Official Website

In this article, we introduced AI-powered test automation tools for system development. In our next article, we’d like to share our experiences and impressions from actually using these tools. We hope this helps you consider which tool might be best for your project.


技術者ブログとして日ごろ取り組んでいる学習内容をご紹介します。AI、ビッグデータをテーマにしている第1ユニットです。 前回の記事では、チャットボット「ChatGPT-4o」を使って、コンテンツ作成、教育と学習、ビジネスソリューションの可能性について取り上げました。


1. Selenium 4


Seleniumは、オープンソースで広く利用されているテスト自動化ツールで、特にクロスブラウザテストに適しています。最新バージョンのSelenium 4では、UIの要素を操作するためのAPIが改善され、より直感的なテストスクリプト作成が可能です。AIプラグインと組み合わせることで、動的なUI要素の検出も強化されています。

  • 利用率:
  • 利用価格: 無料(オープンソース)
  • 利用難易度: 中級者向け
  • 公式サイト: Selenium公式サイト

2. Cypress



  • 利用率:
  • 利用価格: 無料プランあり、プレミアムプラン有料
  • 利用難易度: 初心者〜中級者向け
  • 公式サイト: Cypress公式サイト

3. Katalon Studio


Katalon Studioは、コードを書かずにテストを自動化できるツールで、Webアプリケーション、モバイルアプリ、APIなど幅広いテストシナリオに対応しています。GUIベースで操作できるため、プログラミングに不慣れな人でも直感的にテスト作成が可能です。エンタープライズレベルの機能を提供しつつ、無料プランも利用できるため、初心者から上級者まで幅広く利用されています。

  • 利用率:
  • 利用価格: 無料プランあり、エンタープライズプラン有料
  • 利用難易度: 初心者〜中級者向け
  • 公式サイト: Katalon Studio公式サイト

4. Applitools



  • 利用率:
  • 利用価格: 有料(無料トライアルあり)
  • 利用難易度: 初心者向け
  • 公式サイト: Applitools公式サイト


【WordPress】How To Use Elementor (Grid Layout Creation)

This is Unit 0, focusing on web design. In this Engineers blog, I want to introduce some of the topics I’ve been working on daily. This time, I will explain how to use the WordPress plugin, Elementor. By using the Elementor plugin, you can intuitively create web page layouts with drag-and-drop operations. No programming skills are required. In this post, I will explain the basic usage of Elementor.

Elementor Installation and Validation

Elementor is not compatible with all WordPress themes, so we recommend using a supported theme. For this example, we are using the official Elementor theme: HelloElementor.

Booting Up Elementor

Go ahead and create a new fixed page. Now selsect “Edit with Elementor”

About Elementor Widgets

The features provided by Elementor are called “widgets.” You can see a list of widgets on the left side of the screen.

With the paid version, you can access more widgets. As of September 2024, there are four plans available for the paid version, with upgrades ranging from $59 to $399 per year.

Creating a Layout

First, use the “Layout” widget to determine the structure of your web page.

In Elementor, there are two types of page layouts: Flexbox and Grid.

In earlier versions, Elementor layouts were made up of “Sections,” but in recent updates, the concept of “Containers” has been introduced leading to the deprecation of “Sections”.

 In this example, we will create a layout using a Grid.

By default, a Grid layout with 3 columns and 2 rows will be created.

Detailed settings can be adjusted by clicking “Edit Grid” on the left side of the screen.

Placing Elements in the Grid

 You can easily create a web page by placing elements from the basic widgets.

Simply by using mouse operations, you can easily position content commonly used on web pages.

 In the future, I plan to cover more detailed setting methods.

As introduced previously, you can also easily conduct tests using the “LOCAL” environment so please give it a try. 

Stay tuned for the next technical blog post.



























