Q.Why is there a difference between the number of "repeat 3 times" cards in the package and the number of cards written in the manual?

A.There is an error in the "How to Play" that is included with "HELLO WORLD". The correct number is "Repeat 3 times, 4 cards". The total number of cards in the package is 54, as indicated.

Q.When you use a blue card, can you move the same card 2 or 3 times?

A.Yes, as long as they are next to each other you may move the same cards multiple times.

Q.When you use a Red Card, can you place the target card between two other Number Cards?

A.No, you must swap two side-by-side Number Cards.

Q.Can you use a Break Card in response to another Break Card to stop it from taking effect?

A.No, Break Cards can not be used in response to other Break Cards. Break Cards can only be used in response to Blue or Red Cards.

Q.Can you use a Break Card to skip your own turn?

A.No, you may only play one card at a time so you can not skip yourself.

Q.What do you do when the Deck runs out of cards?

A.Throughly Shuffle the cards you have already used and make a new Deck.

Q.Do you have to move the target card on your turn?

A.Yes, you must move the targetted card.

Q.If your Hand is all Red or Blue Cards, can you redraw?

A.It is recommended that you don not redraw.You may redraw if you want, but please shuffle the deck well before doing so.

Q.Can you play the game with only 1 person?

A.Yes, you can play the game with only 1 person.

Q.Does the turn order have to be played clockwise?

A.No, as long as it is fair, you may play the game in any order that you wish.

Q.Does the color of the Number Cards have any effect on the game?

A.No, thecolor of the Number Cards has no effect on the game.

Q.Where can you buy this product?

A.You can order it from our store page!

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Dandelions inc.
〒460-0008 Nagoya, Naka Ward, Sakae, 3 Chome-18-1 Nadia Park Design Center Building Floor 7
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