Fun Card Game Programming!


It is said that when it comes to learning programming on your own, even among adults, up to 80 percent of people may get frustrated and give up. Wouldn't it be nice if the children who will bear our future could learn programming not just in school, but by playing games with their family and friends? With HELLO WORLD, through the fun of a card game, you can learn programming!

Through learning programming you can develop, support, and maintain logical thinking. Fostering logical thinking will help you to break down the steps needed to accomplish a goal and arrange them in a concrete way. This way of thinking is a necessary component of the programming that instructs a computer to do its job. Programming is not only the process of how to give a computer a task but also useful in making your everyday thinking more efficient.

Players aim to win by playing [Process Cards] that change the order of [Number Cards] while seeking to put the [Number Cards] in the correct order. The simple rule of "The player who arranges all the numbers first wins!" allows children and adults of all ages to have fun. Designed with colorful flowers and stars so that even young children can gain familiarity quickly, up to 4 players can play at the same time.


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