Internship experience story from February 2024 ①

*We had an internship at our company in February and 4 Japanese students and 2 international students participated. In this article we will present the experiences of the participants.

American student (male)

My name is Joseph and I am an intern for February 2024. I would like to share my thoughts on my experience participating in a five-day internship at Dandelions. I would like to present in detail what I was able to achieve during this internship, the challenges I overcame, what I learned and what I can apply in the future.

First of all, I would like to present to you what I experienced during this internship. First, we created line buffers in four languages using AI. We also purchased products for a project called LUCKYBOX. After that, I had the opportunity to test the system and learn about professional etiquette and the correct way to exchange business cards. Finally, I also had the opportunity to gain experience in web design.

Next, I would like to introduce the challenges we overcame. I faced some challenges during this internship. For example, when choosing products for LUCKYBOX, we had to pay special attention to expiration dates and types of food because we were dealing with food products. After carefully considering each precaution, we were able to purchase a variety of sweets with no expiration dates. Also, I had some trouble operating the system when I was testing it for the first time, but following the guidance of my seniors, I was eventually able to test the system on three different browsers.

Then, I will share with you what I learned. What impresses me the most is how many different types of work are done in the same company. For example, I found it surprising and very interesting that system testing, line stamp creation, overseas sales, website design, etc. are all done by the same company. Another important lesson was the importance of business etiquette. As an American, I found Japanese business etiquette to be very unique and interesting, and it made me think about how it differs from business etiquette in America.

Chinese student (male)

I recently participated in an internship with Dandelions Co., Ltd. In this internship, I wanted to work hard with everyone to experience IT-related content and the atmosphere of the workplace, but I met people from other countries and it was a fun experience. .
On the first day, we first listened to an explanation of the content of AI generation. After that, you will experience generating phrases and images using AI. After exchanging opinions with everyone, we were able to decide on a stamp that was appropriate for the phrase. In the afternoon, I created a self-introduction using a mind map. I learned to think from keywords to concrete examples.

On the second day, we sampled the sweets we bought on the first day and made a block of impressions. I was worried about how to convey the characteristics of the sweets to people overseas. I participated in a test experience in the afternoon. I checked the data in different browsers and saved the original website photo as evidence. Although it was time consuming, I realized the importance of testing in order to ensure that the system operates according to specifications.

On the third day, we practiced exchanging business cards in 1-on-1 and 1-on-2 patterns. In the afternoon, I experienced web site design. We collected information while imagining the person on the persona sheet provided. We carefully selected the content to convey the appeal of the Tokai region to overseas visitors who are unfamiliar with it. In the end, a majority vote decided on the format of some of the designs. During this time, I realized the importance of communication.

Although it was a short time, I think it was a really good experience to be able to participate in the internship. Thank you for allowing me to learn about IT-related content and Japanese companies.

Japanese (female)

I participated in an internship in February 2024.

On the first day, we created LINE stamps, on the second day we experienced product testing, on the third day we exchanged business cards and created a website, on the fourth day we prepared a presentation, and on the fifth day we actually appeared in front of the employees. I gave a presentation.

When creating LINE stamps, I experienced using AI and was overwhelmed by the speed at which images and text were generated, but I was even more happy when the stamps were actually published on LINE.

During the business card exchange, on the first day, participants created a self-introduction using a mind map and created a business card with their self-introduction. I was reminded that by exchanging business cards and using the company’s name, I was working on behalf of the company.

When creating LINE stamps, I experienced using AI and was overwhelmed by the speed at which images and text were generated, but I was even more happy when the stamps were actually published on LINE.

During the business card exchange, on the first day, participants created a self-introduction using a mind map and created a business card with their self-introduction. I was reminded that by exchanging business cards and using the company’s name, I was working on behalf of the company.




















Internship Experience Story ② August 2023

In August 2023, we held an internship with two Japanese students and four international students. In this article, we will introduce the experiences of the participants.

Nepali international student (man)

The internship at Dandelions was a very enjoyable experience. I met people from various countries and became friends with them. At the same time, I learned a lot as an intern. Participating in this internship training provided me with an opportunity to learn business manners necessary in the world of work. I studied computer science in high school and came to Japan to study in 2019. I am currently studying IT as a student at Aichi Sangyo University.

On the first day of the internship, we had to decide on captions for the LINE stamps of the company. I experienced working as a group, which was really interesting. Next, we worked on making our own business cards. We had to write a short self-presentation, including our past, present, and future. It was not easy to compile information about myself, but thanks to that, I was able to know more about myself.

Translating stamps

On the second day, we had to taste sweets we bought and to write our impressions for the EC site. I learned that tasting the sweets and writing reviews about them was to make it easier for customers to understand what flavor, texture, aroma the sweets have.   

Gathering impressions of the sweets

On the third day, we practiced exchanging business cards, which is not really something that you learn at school. After that, there was an explanation about web design. I had studied web design and HTML at school, but the explanations given during the internship were completely different from the ones given by school teachers who were limited to books. In the afternoon, we worked on creating personas and creating a website. I usually do presentations and university assignments by myself, but it was also a great experience to create something with my fellow interns.

Web design meeting

Korean international student (woman)

I participated in this internship with the goal of experiencing something new. I was nervous as it was my first internship, but I had a great time working with other interns and discussing about not only IT-related knowledge but a variety of things.

On the first day, we decided on the captions for the LINE stamps. Some captions came to mind right away, while others did not, but after thinking about it as a group, we were able to decide on captions that were suitable for the stamps.

Deciding on captions for the LINE stamps

On the second day, we did a test experience. The test consisted on checking if a website was working properly or not. It was a good opportunity to understand the importance and the difficulty of website testing.

Doing the test experience

On the third day, we did web design. I realized that marketing research and persona setting are important before starting a design. Through group discussions, we worked on creating a persona that could convey the charms of the Tokai region. Although there were some tasks that required specialized knowledge, I believe that by working together as a group, we were able to create a highly complete web design.

Web design meeting

The Dandelions internship was filled with new experiences, and I was able to achieve my own goals. I am glad that I was able to work on LINE stamps captions, web test, and web design, which I would not normally have the opportunity to.

Vietnamese international student (woman)

On the first day, we received an explanation of the internship

In August 2023, I participated in an internship with Dandelions. This experience was very meaningful and I learned a lot.

First of all, the actual work experience not only allowed me to implement the knowledge I had learned at school, but also provided me with practical knowledge that could not be learned from textbooks or classes. During the practical experience, I understood the importance of project progress management and team cooperation, and had the opportunity to improve my problem-solving skills during the week’s work.

On the second day, we tasted sweets and summarized our impressions on the EC site

Additionally, through communication with team members and supervisors, I learned the importance of manners and professionalism as a worker. I realized that proper reporting, proposal-making, and collaborative skills are essential to success in a workplace.

On the third day, we practiced exchanging business cards

The internship at Dandelions was a big step in my career in Japan. It was an experience that bridged the gap between theory and practice in the field of IT management, exposed me to the latest trends and technologies in the industry, and gave me an opportunity to practice my skills. I am confident that this will lead to my future growth.




























Internship Experience Story ① August 2023

In August 2023, we held an internship with two Japanese students and four international students. In this article, we will introduce the experiences of the participants.

French international student (woman)

During the internship, I was able to experience a lot of new things.
On the first day, I was able to translate Dandelions’ Japanese LINE stamps into French and English, which was a very useful activity. On the second day, we tasted the Japanese sweets we had purchased the day before and I translated our impressions into English. Although it was an interesting activity, I was a little bit stressed as I had little time to translate everything.

Sharing our impressions while eating the sweets we bought

On the third day, I experienced exchanging business cards for the first time. Exchanging business cards is a part of the Japanese culture, so I was excited to experience it. I learned how to give and receive business cards, which I think will be useful in the future.

Exchanging business cards

I also learned a lot about web design. For example, when creating a web design, you need to think about who you are creating the site for and consider the concept of “persona”.

Deciding on a “persona” with everyone

From these various activities, I was able to learn how Japanese companies are organized, and I acquired new skills and gained new experiences.

Japanese student (woman)

I am interested in web design and would like to pursue it as a career. For this reason, I decided to participate to this internship as I wanted to experience how a website is created.

On the first day, we decided on captions for LINE stamps. At first, everyone was nervous about meeting each other for the first time, so it was difficult to formulate opinions. Gradually, various opinions came out, and in the end, we were able to choose the captions with everyone’s approval.

On the second day, we ate sweets we had bought the day before and discussed our impressions. I was surprised that my impressions as a Japanese person were completely different from others. There were some sweets that were not known by everyone, so it was difficult to elicit positive feedback.

Eating sweets and gathering impressions

Then, we did a test experience. The test consisted on checking on various files whether things that should be specifically displayed are actually being displayed or not. This was a very detailed work, and I felt like I was going to give up in the middle of it. However, I learned that if I do not do it properly, I will not be able to find computer or informatic bugs, and afterwards, I felt that it was a very rewarding work.

On the third day, everyone created their own “persona” and after compiling and comparing them, we created a common one. When I was creating mine, it was difficult because I had to think about various detailed settings, but when it came to putting it all together, I had to figure out how to summarize everyone’s opinions and make sure that there were no gaps in everyone’s understanding. I strongly felt the difficulty of group discussions and the importance of communication. Also, while listening to everyone’s opinion, I found it interesting that we had different views and ways of thinking.

Organizing our common “persona”

Then, we moved on to creating a website. We determined the roles of each person and worked to ensure that the work progressed smoothly. While creating the site, I was able to feel the joy of creating something. In the future, I would like to acquire more knowledge and skills and grow to the point where I can make everything from scratch.

Deciding on the animes to integrate into our website

I had a very fulfilling time by gaining a lot of knowledge from everyone at Dandelions. I am really thankful for this experience.

Japanese student (man)

As it was my first internship, I was nervous, but the employees in charge of the internship were kind and thorough, so I quickly got used to the place and eased my nerves.

On the first day of the internship, we first introduced ourselves. Then, we worked on creating captions for LINE stamps. We worked together to decide on the appropriate words for each stamp’s caption, and translated them into other languages. We also purchased sweets in order to write our impressions and to post them on our e-commerce site.

Translating the stamps’ captions

On the second day, in order to compile on the e-commerce site the impressions of the sweets we bought the day before, we sampled the sweets and summarized everyone’s impressions. Once we finished, we checked on the e-commerce site if the posts were not displayed incorrectly.

Tasting sweets

On the third day, we practiced exchanging business cards. I was so nervous!
Then we started creating a website. We first had to decide on a persona in order to know for whom we will create it for. The design of the website was decided by a majority vote, and based on that design, we discussed which photos to include.

Exchanging business cards

On the fourth day, I wrote my impressions of the internship. I was able to write them quickly, but since there was so much to write, it was difficult to summarize everything. Then, we continued on creating our website.

On the last day, we had a presentation summarizing the creation of our website. I was so nervous when giving the presentation, but I gave my best!

















1日目、 チームでSNSのスタンプを作るため、グループで話し合いました。最初はペルソナを考え始めて(このスタンプはどんな人が使うのか具体的の人物像をイメージして考えること)、大学の時、ペルソナを作りましたが、グループでは初めてでした。



























二日目は自分の名刺を作ってもらいましたので、シミュレーションで名刺交換の練習をしました。また、ビジネスマナービジネス用語も勉強しました。いままでこのような職場体験の機会がなかったので、とてもありがたいです。 三日目はリクルートのウェブサイトに関して、グループディスカッションをしました。学部の授業でウェブサイト作った経験はありますけど、その内容は深く考えてなかったです。なので、今回は「このサイトは閲覧者にどんな情報を伝いたい」という目的を意識して、皆さんと一緒に考えました。







そのあとにスタンプの4ヶ国のフレーズを決めました。元々は中国語、英語、ベトナム語と日本語だけ作る予定ですが、ディスカッションで皆さんの意見を合わせて、台湾語バージョンのフレーズも加えることになって、凄く嬉しいです。 プログラムのテストとウエブサイトデザインも体験させていただきました。今まで学校で勉強したことがないので、うまくできなかったですが、社員の方々が優しく直してくれました。











