Sleep Course – 2024 –

Thank you for reading! I’m 237 from the Business Management Department, in charge of this blog post.
As a free introduction, I’d like to talk about the “Sleep Lecture” that was held on March 22nd.

Contents of the sleep course

① Sense of smell

Our sense of smell is directly transmitted to the part of the brain that is called instinct, so we can feel scents even while we are sleeping. The instructor recommended that we smell “essential oils” that have a relaxing effect to improve the quality of our sleep.

There are many scents of essential oils, so you can choose the scent that suits your symptoms.
For example, you can choose the scent of rosemary for a migraine, or lavender or citrus scents for a calming effect, so you can choose the scent that suits you at that time. It is also recommended to close your eyes and choose a scent that makes it easy to take a deep breath.

Where can I buy essential oils? As for the question, you can find them on the Internet, and MUJI, a familiar place, has a wide selection of high-quality, inexpensive essential oils.

② Vision

Watching TV or using your smartphone before going to sleep affects your sleep. Especially recently, people tend to watch short videos such as TikTok and Instagram for long periods of time. As a countermeasure, it is important to avoid using your smartphone first, but you can get a good quality sleep without stressing your eyes and brain by watching videos with existing content or lowering the brightness and moving away from the screen.

Also, falling asleep immediately after getting into bed is evidence of lack of sleep, so it is best to take 15 minutes to fall asleep. If you cannot fall asleep even after 15 minutes, one improvement measure is to get out of bed once.

③ Taste

You should also be careful about what you eat and drink before going to sleep.

I have heard that coffee before going to bed is not good, but the caffeine contained in coffee and tea lasts for about 6 hours, so you can get a good night’s sleep by avoiding drinking it at least after 6 p.m.

It is also important to finish eating at least 3 hours before going to sleep. The reason is that if you eat immediately after eating or eat too much, it takes time to digest and absorb, and the sympathetic nervous system becomes active. As a countermeasure, it is important to wait some time after eating before sleeping or to eat less.

Alcohol can help you fall asleep, but it can also lead to shallow sleep, cause your tongue to drop and make you more likely to snore, and in the worst cases, cause breathing to stop, so care should be taken.

People who get irritable when they are hungry are prone to nocturnal hypoglycemia.

In that case, consuming something that improves the quality of sleep, such as Yakult, can help you get a good night’s sleep. If you experience nocturnal hypoglycemia, adrenaline is released, which can lead to shallow sleep, so be careful.


Taking this sleep course made me realize what I am lacking in terms of sleep. I was able to learn that I am not getting as much sleep as average and that I have been putting strain on my body without realizing it.
I drink a lot of coffee, tea, and alcoholic beverages, so I will be careful not to consume caffeine six hours before going to bed and not to drink too much alcohol.
I also wanted to try the essential oils that the instructor introduced to me to improve the quality of my sleep. During the course, I actually smelled the essential oils and found them to have a great scent. The method of intake is very simple, just place tissues with the essential oils on them next to your pillow, so I recommend you give it a try.

睡眠講座 – 2024年度 –
















Introducing LuckyBox

What is Lucky Box?

Lucky Box is a subscription service that delivers special Japanese snacks to customers in the United States and France every month. Our team will hand-select the snacks and send them directly to you. Each month is different, so you can enjoy discovering new tastes.

Customers can choose from a one-time purchase or a multi-month prepayment option for 3, 6, or 1 year. Each plan allows you to enjoy snacks that reflect the seasons and culture of Japan, with new surprises every time. In particular, our snacks are mainly sourced from the Tokai region, a little-known area of ​​Japan, and it is a great opportunity to experience the unique flavors and aromas of this region.

In addition, this service is a great opportunity to feel closer to the taste of Japan from far away. Through Lucky Box, we introduce not only traditional Japanese flavors but also the latest popular snacks to customers around the world. Each plan is flexible to suit your needs, making it the perfect gift for yourself or a loved one. Try Lucky Box as a monthly treat.


The reason we started the Lucky Box project is that the Tokai region (Aichi, Gifu, Shizuoka, and Mie prefectures) is not well known overseas, resulting in a low number of foreign tourist visitors. In order to solve the deep problem of the region’s charm and culture not being fully recognized, we are actively promoting the Tokai region through Lucky Box. Our goal is to let people in the United States and Europe know about this beautiful region and increase local business opportunities. We hope that this initiative will raise interest in the Tokai region and serve as a catalyst for attracting more tourists. Introduction

Our website introduces a different Japanese snack in detail each month. Our blog provides detailed reviews and nutritional information on snacks selected by our team, which is a good reference for choosing which snacks. This makes it easier for customers to find snacks that suit their tastes and health. In addition, we publish video reviews on Instagram, where you can enjoy seeing the color, shape, and taste characteristics of the snacks firsthand. These videos make the appeal of the snacks feel closer to you.

Our website also has a wealth of information focusing on the charms of the Tokai region. The Tokai region is a region rich in nature and deep in history. By featuring snacks from this region, we are introducing the region’s specialties and culture widely. We also feature local anime, introducing how the culture and climate of the Tokai region are reflected in anime. Through this section, we are able to convey the unknown charms of the Tokai region to the world.

By using, customers will not only be able to find new snacks, but also gain a deeper understanding of Japanese culture and regional characteristics. We aim for our monthly deliveries to provide an opportunity for learning and discovery that goes beyond just food.

Use of SNS actively uses Instagram. We chose this because our target demographic, young people in their 20s and 30s who are interested in Japanese culture, frequently use Instagram. Instagram’s algorithm automatically recommends our content to such users, allowing us to reach our target demographic efficiently.

We post video reviews on Instagram every week, and provide content in English for our American account and in French for our French account. This allows us to take an approach that is tailored to the language and culture of each country, allowing us to reach more followers.

Our main content is snack reviews, and the style is light-hearted and humorous. This fun atmosphere gives viewers a positive impression and increases engagement. We hope that our videos will provide viewers with fun, which will spark their interest in our products and ultimately lead to purchases.

In this way, is spreading the appeal of its brand to young people around the world through Instagram, making Japanese snack culture more familiar to them.


Goals achieved by 2024:

Create a functional website with a polished design.

Create social media accounts to promote the project.

Be active on a regular basis, posting videos on Instagram every week and updating the blog every month.

Goals to achieve by the end of the year:

Increase the number of buyers.

Grow your influence on social media.


Lucky Box とは?

Lucky Boxは、アメリカとフランスのお客様に特別な日本のスナックを毎月お届けするサブスクリプションサービスです。私たちのチームが厳選したお菓子を、直接お客様のもとへ送ります。毎月異なる内容で、新しい味覚の発見が楽しめます。


さらに、このサービスは、遠く離れた日本の味を身近に感じることができる絶好のチャンスです。Lucky Boxを通じて、世界中のお客様に日本の伝統的な味だけでなく、最新の人気スナックも紹介しています。どのプランもお客様のニーズに合わせて柔軟に選べるため、自分へのご褒美や大切な人へのプレゼントにも最適です。月々のお楽しみとして、Lucky Boxをお試しください。


Lucky Boxプロジェクトを始めた理由は、東海地方(愛知県、岐阜県、静岡県、三重県)が海外であまり知られていないため、外国人観光客の訪問者数が少ないことにあります。この地域の魅力や文化が十分に認識されていないという深い問題を解決するため、私たちはLucky Boxを通じて東海地方を積極的に紹介しています。アメリカやヨーロッパの人々にこの美しい地域を知ってもらい、地元のビジネスチャンスを増やすことが私たちの目標です。この取り組みが東海地方への関心を高め、より多くの観光客を引き寄せるきっかけになることを期待しています。 紹介











  1. 洗練されたデザインの機能的なウェブサイトを作成する。
  2. プロジェクトを促進するためのSNSを作成する。
  3. 定期的に活動し、Instagramに毎週ビデオを投稿し、ブログを毎月更新する。


  1. 購入者数を増やす。
  2. ソーシャルメディアでの影響力を拡大する。

Employment placement manager training/dispatch agency manager training

The other day, I took a training course for job placement managers and dispatch agency managers, so I would like to introduce you to what the courses are like.

What is job introduction?

Our company is registered as a paid vocational business, and our business is to mediate between people looking for work (job seekers) and companies looking for human resources (recruiters). Additionally, as we are registered as a paid employment placement business, we receive commissions and compensation from job seekers. There are many rules for registering and updating your business as a paid employment placement business, so I would like to introduce some of them to you.

What is the employment placement manager training?

In the course I took this time, I learned about the rules that have changed due to recent legal amendments.
For example, it is called “Employment Congratulation Money”. In the past, it was considered undesirable to encourage job seekers to apply for jobs by offering them money under the pretext of doing so, but it has been prohibited since 2021 with the revision of the law.
Additionally, one of the conditions for becoming a person in charge is being an adult, but this has changed since 18 years of age became an adult from April 1, 2020.

If a violation of the law is found, you will be subject to administrative sanctions such as revocation of your license as a paid employment placement business or an order to suspend your business, so it is extremely important to act correctly and in accordance with the law. Additionally, if you fail to submit a report, your permit will be revoked as well, so you must be careful to submit a complete report.

Employment Placement Manager Course Confirmation Test

At the end of the course, we took a confirmation test consisting of 10 questions. I was worried about whether I would be able to pass the course because the course progressed so quickly, but I was able to successfully pass the test and receive a certificate of attendance. The certificate of attendance is for a period of five years, so I will continue to keep my eyes open and work hard to receive a certificate of attendance the next time I take the course.


I realized once again that I have to make sure that I don’t miss any information, as the information about legal reforms that I had somehow ignored often turns out to be extremely important for this project. By participating in this course, I was able to properly learn about the business content of job placement, and I learned that unless you always keep your eyes open, you cannot respond appropriately.

Next, I would like to introduce the dispatch agency manager training.

What is the dispatch agency?

Although we are registered as a paid employment business, we are also registered as a “worker dispatch” business. Mainly, business owners employ their own workers and have them work for the company they are dispatched to, receiving instructions and orders from the company they are dispatched to. In addition, it is a business that involves requesting money from the dispatched company in order to have the workers hired by the company work there.

Dispatch manager training

This time I attended a training course sponsored by Offers Co., Ltd. The main content of the seminar is the application of the Worker Dispatch Act and the Labor Standards Act, as well as the handling of personal information and the Worker Dispatch Act. Although some of the content was specialized, such as law, the lectures were given by experts in an easy-to-understand manner, citing specific examples and using them in conjunction with the handbook. When conducting a worker dispatch business, it is essential for dispatching agency managers to attend a training course.


When I first heard that I was going to take a training course for dispatch agency managers, I was nervous about what it would be like, but as I progressed through the course, I began to feel that I was deeply involved in the work that I was responsible for, and I started taking the training seriously. I was able to attend the lecture. The training for dispatch managers also involves the law, so I wanted to stay aware of news related to legal revisions in my daily life.
I was also able to learn more about the differences between dispatch and contracting, which I felt I would like to utilize in my work.

Look forward to the next blog! !
















今回は株式会社オファーズさん主催の講習会を受けました。講習会の主な内容は、労働者派遣法や労働基準法の適用に関することや、個人情報と労働者派遣法の取り扱いなどについてです。 法律など専門的な内容もありますが、具体的な事例なども挙げながらハンドブックと併用して専門家の方によりわかりやすく講義を行っていただきました。 労働者派遣事業を行うにあたり派遣元責任者の講習受講は必須不可欠ともいえます。


